All in all, not a lot standing out. Everything seemed to be Toy Story or Naruto or and other branded franchise. But, as usual, just check out the overall scene, and you're bound to find something interesting.
Nice! True story: I was meant to inherit an old Beetle when I turned 16. My parents had it stored at a friend's house. One day, they checked up on it, and there was a chainsaw and bra in the backseat. I never saw that car again.
Instead, after a year of slanging ice cream cones at Baskin Robins, I bought this sweet car. When I sold it, a couple weeks before moving to Japan, it was in pretty bad shape, and I still have nightmares a couple times year about the owner coming back and forcing me to refund his cash.
These kids were having a nation wide battle, and if you were around at 1:30pm on Sunday, you could catch the final.
Hooray! Dude on the left dominated.
If you can name the toy she is photographing, you get mad respect...
... from this dude.
More adjectives!
I am drawn most to the analog, educational toys. This magnetic puzzle map of the world has more than enough imagery to inspire a young child.
These heavy metal blocks require tools to connect them. Way rad!
Their dance was hella complicated, but this little girl tried her best to get down. Dude on the right had no business dancing the duck song. And by "no business", I mean he is my hero.
This keychain can emit a high frequency signal that is only heard by people under a certain age.
Tamagochis are still being new and improved. Celebrate.
Ok, I need to get out of here.
At least it was free.