Ride bikes, eat ramen, and listen to hip hop music. What could be better?

Baby white tigers, for one.

These dudes are nuts.

But can you drift this?

I know I don't write in detail about many adventures anymore.

Shirakawa-go just happened to be on my route between Niigata and Kyoto. Score! This shit was totes in the bucket list.

Rad looking toll road up in Gifu Prefecture. Too bad it costs about $40 to drive it! And too bad they don't allow motorcycles on it! The fuck? I asked the toll gate lady and she said it was because the road is too narrow. 狭いだね!

I stopped at a nearby ice cream shop, and the ice cream maker showed me this nearby river. Neat, half goes to the Pacific, and half to the

Mean-muggin' matsuri man.

Gion Matsuri! Another check-off. How was it, this the most famous of Japanese festivals? Pretty much just like all the other ones. If you read up a little, there is some interesting history behind the floats and what not, but on the surface these festivals are kind of crowded and hot. Just sayin.

Biwa-ko is tight. I'll be back.

I should make a separate post about some of the hikes I've done lately. This one, up the Yatsubuchi-no-take, is a must do for anyone in the Kansai area. Do it now!
