The ides of March came and went without incident.

Just the standard blooming of the flowers. Hand in hand with the entire country of Japan getting some serious hay fever.

Pink flowers.

Pink Lambos.

Crushed these, plus 2 others in the span of 3 hours. Food tours courtesy of Ramen Adventures.

The most bad-ass fridge at one of the most elite of all sushi shops on earth. Kind of overrated, though.

As are the drinks at Tender. I don't know, plenty of mixology nerds regard this as the mecca for shaken cocktails. It reeks of Ginza; a place for old rich people, and the gangster scum they pay, to canoodle with high-priced prostitutes.

This is more like it! As always, Tokyo's west side.

Presentation, son! You know he just brought out some turtle soup with a turtle skull next to it.



Minami-boso, on the southern tip of Chiba, is pleasant as fuck. Seriously get down there if you ride a motorcycle and just relax the shit out of your day.

Just spent the last week doing camps, shows, and science seminars. Spending the next week doing TV shootings, more spring vacation science seminars, and shows. Then April should be pretty chill. Expect something more on JapanBash. Same thing I said years ago.
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