A new camera means it is time to annoy you with some headache-inducing HDR photos!


Any typhoon that passes at 11am should be met with a trip to the 52nd floor.

Dude at the Tokyo Ramen Show wanted me to try his ramen so badly, but it looked a bit weak. Also, he wouldn't do the funashi dance.

Where as this dude gave no fucks about what I did with my ramen choices.

Good luck Zundoya. Coming to NYC in 2015. This shop could be the Ippudo killer. I'll write about it soon over at www.ramenadventures.com.

Hey, it's a living!

Support your local sake guy. Those mom-and-pop bottle shops you see on any random shotengai are full of free samples and good conversation.

Speaking of shotengai, I took a photo walk with my buddy Michael who runs www.likeafishinwater.com, a site devoted to deep knowledge of Japan's shopping arcades. Do check out the site. It is intense, chronicling individual shotengai and their history, shops, and the role they play in local community. He also writes about ramen and otaku fan pilgrimage stuff. You know, where you go to every frame of every place that appeared in your favorite anime.
Maaaaaad nerdy!

I'm struggling to get the new camera to get the shots I want when it comes to street photography.

Burgers out deep in Futakotamagawa. Worth a trek.

Rad sushi at Takehan.

The park next to my house has mosquitoes infected with dengue. And my window doesn't have a screen. Better use bag spray.

Oh shit! The bee guy! Am I the only one who knows who this dude is?

World champ barista pretentious coffee trip. Check.

Nice photo with the bee guy. What's his story?
On many touristy shotengai (Sugamo comes to mind) there are honey shops. His company runs a ton of them, and always has his photo posted on the wall. Also he is covered in bees in the photo.
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